We are here to support our customers affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
Coronavirus pandemic has a broad impact on the individuals and society in many countries, including Türkiye.
Considering that our certain customers may have encountered any unexpected financial difficulty, we have implemented certain practices in order to support the needs of such customers.
We kindly request our SME and commercial customers, who have difficulty in repaying their loans with ING, to contact their branches.
We allow our individual customers affected by the coronavirus pandemic to postpone their consumer, vehicle, mortgage loan installments and credit card statement payments for a period of 3 months.
If you wish to benefit from such practice, the interest rate and installment amount of your loan will be recalculated and a new payment schedule will be created.
You can request a postponement of payment for your loan through the ING Mobile> Summary> My Products tab without leaving your home. We will call you about your request during the working hours on weekdays.
Loan postponement details
• The installment payments for the loans of our customers, who file a request until the end of 2020, will be postponed for a period of 3 months. (For example, the installment dated October 10, 2020 will be expected to be paid on January 10, 2021.) The loan period will be extended accordingly in order to keep the monthly installment at the same level.
• Any additional interest, arising from payments that have been postponed, will be reflected in the first installment payment in the new schedule. Since the payment schedule is renewed, your other installment amounts will also be updated.
Credit card statement postponement details
• Our customers, whose card is at the open status, can postpone their statements through the ING Mobile, Internet Branch, ING Branches and Telephone Banking. The customers, whose card is at the closed status, and who request a restructuring, can perform such transactions through the Internet Branch, ING Branches and Telephone Banking.
• You can perform your credit card statement deferral transaction from the statement date until the due date.
• If you wish, you can perform any partial payment with respect to the statement that you wish to postpone, and you can postpone your remaining statement debt. Following such payment, you can perform the postponement transaction if the remaining amount is TRY 50 or above. There is no upper limit for postponement of statement.
• You must make a request for each statement, you wish to postpone, through the relevant channels between the statement date and the due date.
• You can postpone your statement with a monthly interest rate of 1.25%. In addition to such interest rate, BITT and RUSF will be applied and the amount of interest will be reflected on your credit card in the account statement postponed.
• The statement amount, you have postponed, and the statement postponement interest will be added to the then statement debt in your current statement on the due date of your statement postponed.
• The statement postponement transaction may be cancelled between the date of statement, for which a postponement has been requested, and the due date. The statement postponement may be cancelled through the ING Mobile, Internet Branch and Telephone Banking between the dates specified. Following the cancellation process with respect to the relevant statement, no request will be made in order to re-postpone the same statement.