Used Car Loan

Used Car Loan

Apply now for the Used Car Loan with fast approval process and flexible payment alternatives, and determine the repayment amounts and the installment payment due date yourself in line with your need. 

Please visit your nearest branch for detailed information and application.


  • Valid for used cars up to 8 years old.
  • The interest rate is %0,99 for 3-6 months, %1,39 for 9-48 months.
  • The loan term is up to 60 months.
  • The Loan Allocation Fee is 0,5% of the loan amount.
  • Equal installments or 3-month postponement options are available.
  • No requirement of individual accident insurance and life insurance.
  • Only the vehicle to be purchased is put up as collateral.
  • No guarantor needed. However, our Bank reserves the right of pledge when deemed necessary.
  • Interest rate discount when the casco insurance is bought through our bank.

Car Loan Calculator

Total Loan
Number of Installments
  • Total Loan TL
  • Monthly Installment TL
  • Total Repayment TL
  • Interest Rate %
  • Loan Issuance Fee TL

Sample Installment Table

Term Interest Rate Principal Installment Amount Total Repayment Amount
3 %0,99 10.000 TL 3.413 TL 10.239 TL
6 %0,99 10.000 TL 1.737 TL 10.420 TL
9 %1,39 10.000 TL 1.206 TL 10.852 TL
12 %1,39
10.000 TL 926 TL 11.117 TL
18 %1,39
10.000 TL 648 TL 11.659 TL
24 %1,39
10.000 TL 509 TL 12.217 TL
36 %1,39
10.000 TL 372 TL 13.382 TL
48 %1,39
10.000 TL 304 TL 14.611 TL

BSMV=5,00%, KKDF=15,00%

Loan Cost Table

Loan Amount Loan Term (Months) Monthly Interest Rate Loan Issuance Fee* Monthly Installment Amount Monthly Total Cost Rate Annual Total Cost Rate
20,000 TL 48 1.39% 100 TL 609 TL 1.70% 20.30%

* All taxes and fees are included for sample loan term and loan amount.
** ING Bank reserves the right to change the interest rate, the content and the duration of the campaign in accordance with prevailing conditions, to require a guarantor when necessary and to reject the loan applications deemed ineligible.