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Sub-fund 5

Sub-fund 5

For investors who want to invest their TL savings for an approximate 1-year term without taking capital risk, the opportunity to obtain returns from the potential increase in the Gold USD/Ounce price is in the 5. Sub-Fund!

Type B 100% Capital Protected 5. Sub-Fund linked to ING Bank A.Ş. Capital Protected Umbrella Fund; while providing protection for your capital at maturity within the "best effort principle", also offers the opportunity to obtain returns from the increase in the Gold USD/Ounce price at maturity, in proportion with your participation.

The demand collection period was held between November 22-28, 2011.


Fund Name: Type B 100% Capital Protected 5. Sub-Fund linked to ING Bank A.Ş. Capital Protected Umbrella Fund

Demand Collection Period: November 22-28, 2011

Fund Founder: ING Bank A.Ş.

Fund Manager: ING Asset Management A.Ş.
Investment Instruments that the Fund invests in: Treasury Bills/Government Bonds/Reverse Repo and Over-the-counter Options Contracts (Options contract which will generate a return in relation to a potential increase of up to 35% in the Gold USD/Ounce price, in proportion with the participation.)

Capital Protection: 100 % (Valid at maturity and within the scope of the best effort principle.)

Fund Investment Period: 29/11/2011 - 07/11/2012 (Fund's value date is T+1 business day at the end of the period)

Underlying Index for fund's return: Gold USD/Ounce price

Investment objective of the fund: In addition to full repayment of the investor's capital at maturity, offering the investors a return, through an over-the-counter options contract, for the potential increase of up to 35% in the Gold USD/Ounce price, in proportion with the participation.

Participation rate: 100%. In the case that the index increased at maturity, the investors will be able to obtain a return in proportion with their participation. 100% is a sample rate calculated based on the current market conditions. The Participation Rate will be finalized and announced after the demand collection period. The upper limit determined for the Gold USD/Ounce price increase is 35%.

Multiples of shares: 10.000 shares and multiples.

Fund management fee: 0,00274% Daily

Fund share price declaration periods: Twice per month (1. and 15. business day of every month)

Fund purchase period for investors: Only during the demand collection periods. The amounts collected against the purchase orders placed by the investors until 13:00 during the demand collection period accrue interest with O/N Repo.

Fund sales period for investors: Sales orders for the sub fund can be placed on every business day as of the starting date of the investment period of the sub fund. However, these orders will be executed at the first share price that follows the entry of the order. The orders placed until 13:00, 1 day before (T-1), the day that the price will be announced (T), will be executed at the price announced on day (T). 

The sales orders placed after 13:00, 1 day before (T-1), the day that the price will be announced (T), are held until the next price announcement day.

Upon the submission of the orders by the investors in accordance with the principles above, the sales amounts are paid to the investors within 3 (three) business days (T+3), after the announcement of the price at which the order will be executed. In the case that a profit is generated, required taxes will be collected from the investment accounts.

The balance that will be transferred to the investor's account is calculated by subtracting the early exit fee.

For fund sales performed before maturity, capital protection is not in effect.

Early Exit Fee: In the case that the participation shares are sold by the investors within the investment period, a 2% early exit fee is charged. The aforesaid fees are recorded as revenue for the sub fund on the day they are collected. The fee rate that will be calculated over the sub fund share price is 2% (two percent.)

Tax: In the case that a revenue is generated, a 10% withholding tax will be deducted from the revenue. 

*Before investing in the fund, the investors should take into consideration the matters explained in the prospectus and internal regulations of the fund. You can access the prospectus, circular and internal regulations of the funds through ING Bank branches, ING Asset Management, and Public Disclosure Form.

**Investment products cannot be sold to "American Persons" by our Bank. American Persons include persons, themselves or their proxies, who define themselves as a resident real person in the USA or persons who are a member of a definable group consisting of American citizens outside of the USA, and who use their contact information in the USA for transactions such as account opening or verification transaction.