Finance and Accounting Solutions

Finance and Accounting Solutions

With ING Cash Management system, you can integrate your account activities and check transactions with your accounting system.

With our flexible and parametric infrastructure, the information needed for accounting integration can be sent in any file design.

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Account Activities Reconciliation

Your account activities are sent in excel or text format as “Swift MT 940” message, enabling integration between your accounting system and financial transactions.

  • Your daily account activities are entered into your accounting system in a batch, not one by one.
  • If you are making your collections by EFT/Money Transfer, the tracking of the incoming EFT/Money Transfers becomes easier in the case that the Tax Identification Number / TC Identification Number is entered along.

Check Integration

Entry and status information for your checks collected by ING is transmitted in electronic environment with the file transfer method, creating the relevant records in your accounting system.

Who can take advantage of this product?

  • SME's 
  • Commercial companies 
  • Corporate companies