Overdraft Account

Overdraft Account

When there is no cash left in your safe, when you encounter unexpected business expenses, you can satisfy your emergency cash needs with Overdraft Account without experiencing any difficulties.

You can apply for an Overdraft Account through our nearest branch.


  • With the Overdraft Account linked to the current account of your company, you can borrow money up to your limit, and pay interest for the borrowed amount and the number of days that the facility is utilized.
  • Even if you don't have sufficient balance, the automatic payment orders you have placed for your bill, institution and tax payments will be paid from the Overdraft Account.
  • With Overdraft Account, you can keep your financing costs under control by meeting your emergency cash needs, and make your check, rent and salary payments in a timely manner.
  • If your company has a Time Deposit or Current account, an Overdraft Account can be opened quickly and easily.

*The loan interest for the Overdraft Account will be accrued at the end of each month. The interest payments must be made at least once every 90 days and the principal repayments must be made at least once every 180 days.

How much you will earn with e-Orange?

Term (Days)
  • Capital
  • Term Day
  • Net Amount on Maturity Date
  • Interest Rate %

* Welcome interest rate is valid for customers who have not opened an Orange Account before.
**If your balance is above 500.000 TL, 500.000 TL of the balance earns interest at the rate specified in the “250.000 – 500.000 TL” row, and the portion of the balance that exceeds 500.000 TL earns interest at a lower interest rate.

Who can take advantage of this product?

  • SME's 
  • Commercial companies