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A Workforce Ready for the Future


We value equal opportunities in education and provide scholarship opportunities to talented and successful young people.

Partnership with Universities: We support the Anadolu Scholars Program of Koç University, the Equal Opportunity Program of Özyeğin University, and the Girls Scholarship Program of Bilkent University.

TEV ING Equal Future Fund: With the ING Equal Future Fund, established through a scholarship fund agreement signed with the Turkish Education Foundation (TEV), we contribute to the education of female engineering students in line with our support for gender equality.

The Turkish Education Association: In partnership with the Turkish Education Association (TED), we offer a scholarship fund to support the education of the children of deceased ING employees throughout their educational journey.  

Digital Teachers 

We believe that education is one of the most important areas to contribute to Türkiye's digital transformation. In this context, we have launched the Digital Teachers project, which is based on our digitalization strategy and focuses on teachers, with the support of Habitat Association, Middle East Technical University, and ILKSAN

Teachers play a major role in the implementation of this project. In the workshop studies we conducted, we saw that the area in which teachers want to improve themselves the most is digital literacy, in order to communicate more effectively with their students and increase the effectiveness of the education they provide through the use of digital tools. Since digitalization is also an important part of ING's strategy, we decided to share our expertise in this field with our teachers and progress in this direction in response to their demands. 

Through our project, we aim to help teachers take their first steps in the digital world, acquire digital literacy skills that can be used in both face-to-face and distance education, pass on the skills they have gained to primary and secondary school students, and contribute to ensuring that teachers in different regions have equal digital skills. In this way, we aim to make teachers and students part of the digital transformation and ultimately contribute to the digital transformation process in Türkiye

In the first phase of the project, we aim to reach 1,000 teachers from 10 provinces and indirectly approximately 30,000 students. We continue to support our teachers and young people with effective and current content in a hybrid model with online and face-to-face training. 

For more information:

ING Technology for the Future Academy

ING Türkiye is committed to children as an integral part of its sustainability mindset, and places them at the center of its corporate social responsibility efforts. In this context, we open the doors of the ING Technology for the Future Academy to students, with the aim of imparting new-generation skills and a culture of production with technology to children.

Our first social responsibility project, implemented in collaboration with the Kahramanmaraş Provincial National Education Directorate and carried out with Makers Türkiye, introduced students aged 10-14 in state schools to the "Maker Movement".

By introducing children to the ING Future of Technology Academy, which offers a design-production, electronics, robotics, and coding-based Maker education program, we aim to encourage them to become creative and productive individuals.

Click here to watch our video.

Our Orange Schools 

Within the framework of our responsible banking approach, we believe that social investments that touch the lives of our children are as important as economic investments. In line with our mission to promote access to high-quality education, we continue to support Dulkadiroğlu Karacasu Primary School in Kahramanmaraş, Harlısu Primary School in Hatay, and Günbuldu Village Primary School in Ağrı.

Dulkadiroğlu Karacasu Primary School: In 2016, we started the renovation project of Dulkadiroğlu Karacasu Primary School in Kahramanmaraş with the support of the Ministry of National Education and UNICEF Türkiye, and the school was renovated with the contributions of our employees, ING Group, and Kahramanmaraş Provincial Directorate of National Education. 

Harlısu Primary School: In 2017, we renovated Harlısu Primary School in Arsuz district of Hatay with the contributions of our employees. In addition to meeting the transportation, electricity, heating, and communication infrastructure needs and addressing the physical deficiencies of this school, we also continue to support the students with books, stationery supplies, clothing, and footwear.

Günbuldu Village Primary School: Inspired by the story of Ramazan Taşdemir, who lost both hands while trying to save a bird in Günbuldu Village, we turned our social investments towards education and gender equality in the village. First, we started meeting the various needs of the primary and middle schools in the village, and in 2017, we supported the establishment of a computer class in Günbuldu Middle School.

 In July 2018, we officially began the process, in partnership with the Ağrı Provincial Directorate of National Education, to build a new primary school in the village, including a kindergarten class.  As of April 2019, the new Ağrı Günbuldu Primary School opened its doors to students with 4 classrooms, 1 kindergarten class, 1 computer laboratory, and 1 science laboratory.

You can watch the following videos about our Orange Schools.  
  • Click here to watch our ‘Girls Can Do It, Too’ video.
  • Click here to watch our ‘Your Dreams Are Enough’ video.